Sunday, November 13, 2022

My desired course in college

         I actually had a few other options on what course I wanted in college, Philosophy, Psychology, Economics, development studies, legal management, Political Science. These are courses that lines up with my interests and things I'd further want to be knowledgeable. I even thought of taking a double major but ultimately decided not to because it might strain my brain and body easily, and just die on the spot. So I decided to have Political Science as my priority course and legal management as my alternative, I'm heading straight  to pursue law and achieve my goal of becoming a future lawyer. 
          I want to know more of the political affairs in our country, the constitutions and the structures that makes up the government, such institution controls our nation and have a huge influence in the minds of the people. Politics is double edged sword, it can be helpful to bring order and gather the trust of the people, but it can also be abused by whoever wicked person desires power only for himself. Learning Political Science can serve as a powerful asset for, though I may lack the resolves right now, I know I chose the right path.

Anime is not just for kids

         There has always been a stigma on anime where people thinks that it's the same as cartoon tv shows, thus its audience catered towards children. It has been a stigma as far as anime was introduced in the world. But that's not really the case, people just love being ignorant. Anime is a wonderful bunch of arts, created in a form of dynamic images to create life-like characters that moves like humans do, a setting similar to our own world or a setting placed in a fantasy.

taken from: 11 Top-Rated Real Life Anime Locations in Tokyo That You Can't Miss (

taken from: 5 Japanese Anime & Video Game Locations in Real Life - TokyoTreat Blog

         Anime has long been a part of my life, it has taught and shown me various lessons in life, I'm aware I might sound cringe saying these, but anime had always served as my vision to see the world that I can't physically see. The imaginations upon which anime is created tells so much about a fictional world that mirrors our reality, it gives in depth information of what kinds of people are out there through the creation of thousands of characters, each having their own traits and personalities. Anime is not just for kids, it is for all ages, it is an art adapted from another art called "manga", these are literatures that everyone can enjoy.

Why law?

          This is a question I myself kept pondering on, I always knew a path of being a lawyer is as grueling as I could imagine, but then it goes the same way on literally any other career. It's funny because when I was young, I always thought I wanted to be an engineer, I was always fascinated at how buildings, roads, bridges, towers, hotels, and houses were built, the blueprints at which an engineer works on has everything that they need to create structures as they desire, or maybe I just thought that I liked to be an engineer because of an unintentional pressure placed on me as adults kept asking what I want to be in the future and all I could think of was to be an engineer because it was popular at the time and everyone wants it because it's also a high paying job, but who cares at this point...

          So I had to find something else I could be fascinated about, it wasn't easy but I should be fine on anything so long as it doesn't revolve around math. Maybe it's just me but 2020-2022 are my most adored years, because that's where I knew more of myself, and of course, what I want to be in the future, a lawyer. I thought of it for a long time, and I have formulated answers, being a lawyer means being a defender and upholder of justice, an ally of the people who seeks and demands justice to be brought down upon the wicked. Pursuing law means a deeper understanding of laws that are a fundamental foundation of our society, and what creates order upon the nation. I'm not too sure why but, I also like to debate with people, I found it really fascinating to question everything and all because of Socrates, so being a lawyer cannot be more of a perfect job that I want and need, it being quite a high-paying job is also a bonus, hehe.

Arrival (review)

         "Arrival" is a sci-fi/thriller movie that had quite a profound meaning in the philosophical way of understanding humanity and life. Though it centers around a sudden arrival of extra-terrestrial creatures, it does not fall into the type of sci-fi movie where the aliens came to conquer earth or eradicate humanity, no, their arrival meant something else entirely that left me thinking about my view and perception of life, and a deeper understanding of humanity. 

It is rare for me to watch a movie, much less for it to have an impact, the manner at which the aliens were introduced were as mysterious as its arrival on earth in the movie, their spaceships were scattered throughout the globe resulting to multiple countries taking cautions, and trying to work together to uncover these unknown creatures' motives and solving a world-wide dilemma. I really liked how in the movie, humanity although was hostile towards the aliens, still tried their best to understand and communicate with them in order to create a sense of unity between two entirely different species. 

"Language is the foundation of civilization, it is the glue that holds the people together, it is the first weapon drawn in a conflict". A quote stated in the beginning of the movie, and a quote that is shown in the entirety of the movie, I can't say any more without having to spoil the movie, albeit it's slow-paced, it makes up for it by being meticulous, it's a solid 9/10 for me and I would recommend watching it.

My desired course in college

         I actually had a few other options on what course I wanted in college, Philosophy, Psychology, Economics, development studies, lega...